Getting Started is a 4 Step Process;

  1. Setting up your account
  2. Meet with someone on the Onboarding Team
  3. Meet with CEO for a 1 on 1 strategy call
  4. Start dumping leads into your CRM!!

Step 1

<aside> 🖥️ Setting up your account

Please follow each step carefully, if any errors are made your account may be suspended and you may have to start the process over.


Update your business profile (2 minutes)

Submit your “A2P” application (10 minutes)

Connect your calendar (1 minute)

Step 2

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At this point you should schedule your Onboarding call with the RE AI team. See the link BELOW👇


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So how does the system work?

We recommend watching these videos before your Strategy Call with the CEO. If you start contacting leads before getting A2P verified (4-6 days) the messages will fail.


Understand the “ramp up” (5 minutes)